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22.09.2010 23:42 - Peak Oil
Автор: todor Категория: Технологии   
Прочетен: 653 Коментари: 0 Гласове:

След като гледах Collapse, ми стана интересно и се разтърсих в нета. Ето какво намерих:

GreenTechBG -български  блог богат с новини по темата.

Peak Oil в wikipedia.

Life after the oil crash – Апокалиптичен сайт, събрал много мрачни прогнози. Но там намерих разтърсващото твърдение, че световната финансова система е изцяло зависима от постоянното увеличение на консумацията на енергия. Ето за какво става дума:

Author Dmitry Orlov offers the following explanation of how the debt-based financial currency used in a modern economy is actually dependent on an increasing supply of energy.

Emphas added:

Although it is often thought that a [modern] economy produces value, as an empirical matter it can be observed that what it produces is debt. One borrows money in order to provide and to receive goods and services. Loans are extended based on the expectation that, in the future, demand for these services will be even higher, driving further economic growth. However, this economy is not a closed system: the delivery of these goods and services is linked to external energy flows. Greater flows of energy, in the form of increased oil and natural gas imports, increased coal production and so forth are failing to occur, for a variety of geological and geopolitical reasons. There is every reason to expect that the ability to deliver goods and services will suffer as a result of energy shortages, collapsing the debt pyramid . . .

Източник: http://todor.com/blog/?p=131


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